Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Ooops! I mailed myself to Will's college address by mistake. I managed to get out of the box at least. Still plenty of time to get to Houston. I decided to check out Will's college town.

I kinda wanted to see Will play volleyball. Then I imagined how that could go...

I visited the University of North Texas campus. I went by the Marketing Department, but people were unsure who this "Will Powell" person could be. "Are you sure he takes classes here?" I was asked.

Meanwhile, I was awarded a diploma. Not sure what the big deal is. Seemed easy enough.

As I have seen several jackalopes on my Adventure, I visited Denton's own. It is a jackalope-shaped smoker in the front yard of someone's house on Bolivar Street. The vents are in the ears, and the grease spout is R-rated.

I really needed a beer. Stopped in at Denton's Armadillo Ale Works, and had their IPA.

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